Why I Think Everyone’s Healing Journey Can Benefit From Starting With Astrology

Just bare with me for a few minutes…

Meghan D. Stouffer
5 min readDec 28, 2022
Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

“Self-awareness” is one of those concepts that is like a muscle — it can be practiced and built upon, but you also must be aware of awareness, which is a catch 22 by its very nature.

For people wanting to begin a journey of self-development or growth, the first step is almost always going to be becoming more self-aware. In order to improve on anything, you must first know the baseline that you operate on — whether you want to work on changes in spending, changes in diet, or changes in habits, it is wise to first track these things for a week (or longer) and review. The hardest one, in my opinion, is changing subconscious attitudes and opinionated views not based in truth, because tracking that (or even realizing them) is near impossible. There can be an easy way to start though!

Step one is sometimes the hardest step for people, and they may not even realize it — have an open mind. Many people are dead-set against any kind of astrology and feel like zodiac signs are overgeneralized and far too “woo-woo” or stupid for them. Here is the…



Meghan D. Stouffer

A constant pursuit of knowledge, a love for the minds of humankind, and a desire to better the world has led me here to share my thoughts. Anima Mundi ♥